I have seen IUPUI change significantly since I received a Master of Arts in Philanthropic Studies in 2002. In particular, when I was a student here, there was no Campus Center, and as a result, there was less of a sense of community at IUPUI.
I have seen IUPUI change significantly since I received a Master of Arts in Philanthropic Studies in 2002. In particular, when I was a student here, there was no Campus Center, and as a result, there was less of a sense of community at IUPUI.
Today, with the Campus Center, there is a much bigger sense of a community with a place for everyone to gather, study, and eat. It is a sharp contrast to when I took my evening classes at Cavanaugh Hall, ate a snack from vending machines in the basement on break, and left right after class.
IUPUI’s world class Campus Center makes me proud to be a part of the IUPUI community!
Amy Vaughan
Department of Tourism, Convention, and Event Management Faculty, Class of 2002