By the end of the evening, they made me forget that I was not 19.
After that day, I never looked back. I knew that this campus would become my home away from home in many ways. I have spent the better part of the past five years on campus. I have built relationships, made lifelong friendships, and yes ... even fell in love. I have mentored and been mentored, I have laughed, cried, and celebrated life events all right here. I have watched this campus grow, and I developed a sense of passion and pride that is turning into a career, one that I hope keeps me right here, in the middle of our beautiful city serving the future students of IUPUI.
I have been embraced by this community, and I strive to give back in the same manner. IUPUI will be interwoven into stories that my grandchildren will hear, and I hope that they will share with their grandchildren. I am grateful for the journey this campus has taken me on, and I look forward to the continued adventure.