I never thought that I would be thriving as much I am here at IUPUI.
I never thought that I would be thriving as much I am here at IUPUI.
The worrier that I am, I was of course scared that I wasn't going to make friends, I wouldn't get along with my roommates, and that I would just sit in my dorm and hate it here. Two months into this new journey, I have never been happier with my life and my decision to move two hours away from home to this city. My roommates and I hangout all the time, and we even won the intramural sand volleyball championship together. I always thought that I would miss home and being with my mom all the time. Now she's texting me and telling me to come home every weekend because she misses me.
I've learned a lot about myself in the very short two months that I have been here. I proved to myself that I am able to study and keep A's and B's. Knowing that everyone is afraid of failure and that everyone has failed at some point inspires me to do the best I can. Failing at something is also learning how to do it right the next time.
Something that I am so proud of myself for doing is having the confidence to go to the food court alone because my friends were in class. I've never been the type to go out and do things alone. Overall, I have loved IUPUI and all it has offered me so far. I can't wait for the academic and social success that I am determined to have in my upcoming years here.
Quinn Stephens
Class of 2022