I’ve now reached the point where I’ve been associated with IUPUI for more than half my life.
I’ve now reached the point where I’ve been associated with IUPUI for more than half my life.
I was recruited here to be a member of the baseball team and proceeded to earn my bachelor’s degree in journalism in 2001. As a student, I was part of the baseball team, worked in the Athletics Department and served as the sports editor of The Sagamore, the on-campus student newspaper. Unlike some of my friends that went to "bigger" or "more recognized" universities, I felt like I had the opportunity to make an impression here. I wasn’t just an enrollment number — I was able to make my impact seen and known. I carved out a niche in the athletics and journalism world, while also having the opportunity to be exposed to some of the world’s largest sporting events (NCAA, NBA, NFL, etc.). It quickly became my passion.
I was hired by the IUPUI Athletics Department in July 2001 as Assistant Sports Information Director and have slowly ascended to an Assistant Athletic Director position over the course of nearly two decades. In my role, I’ve seen IUPUI emerge to where we’ve become competitive on the highest stage. I’ve had a firsthand role in some of the biggest stories to impact our campus, whether it was making the NCAA basketball tournament in 2003, working on the nation’s first Samaritan’s Feet initiative in 2008, working hand-in-hand with a future NBA player in George Hill, or our recent move to the Horizon League, I’ve been there working in the trenches. Again, these are not things that happen just anywhere.
Now, this university has become a way of life. I’m raising two young girls who look up to our student-athletes, and I am married to a woman that wants to also impact the lives of our current Jaguars. Just as Indianapolis is often described as a "big city, but not too big," I feel like IUPUI is a "major university, but not too big." Over the course of time, I’ve been able to make a mark here.
Ed Holdaway
Athletics Department Staff, Class of 2001