Our youngest son, Ryan, is a current business finance major, class of 2020. IUPUI staff has given him exciting in-class and study abroad opportunities, local internships, and ways to engage and serve the campus and local community. As a sophomore, he has already traveled to New York City, London, and Costa Rica, and interned with a privately owned regional company. He fully embraces student life by staffing Regatta, joining intramural sports teams, and attending a wide variety of campus events including basketball games.
Their IUPUI story is still being written. Andrew is pursing a combined MD/PhD at Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore, Maryland. As a physician scientist, he plans to be a professor and mentor to medical students. Sarah continues to welcome and teach foreign-born students. She will complete her Masters in Linguistics next fall. In June, she will marry David Kane, an IUPUI engineer who is employed at an Indianapolis engineering company. David has his own successful IUPUI story to tell. This summer Ryan will work locally in his second internship. Next fall, he is excited for the challenge of Kelley iCore, his continued work in the Kelley office, and opportunities to welcome and support new IUPUI students.
As parents, we are grateful to the dedicated IUPUI community who have invested their valuable time and talents during these formative college years and served with excellence as teachers, mentors, encouragers, and friends to our children. Their intentional interactions and project opportunities nurtured the interests and developed the potential of our high ability students. IUPUI offered each of them a quality education that includes experiential learning supported by people who found success in their success. Our children are prepared, engaged, and excited to contribute in their communities and fields of study and career. We are happy Jaguar parents!
Kevin and Sheri Fraser live in Knightstown, IN. Andrew Fraser and Sarah Grace Fraser were named IUPUI’s top students in 2012 and 2017, respectively.